Life happens, we get it.
First and foremost, we want nothing more than to help you, and your family KEEP your dog.
Please reach out if you need help keeping your dog.
If for some reason you are unable to keep your dog, please contact us directly. We will try our best to take our dog back but we are a foster based rescue. We do not have a physical shelter. We can only take dogs in, if we have homes to put them in.
The best way to receive help would be to foster your dog while we list it. This ensures safety and security for your dog, while we try to find an adopter or a new foster. We can also reach out to the original foster of that dog (unless that was you), to see if they are able to take the dog back. Life does happen though, and fosters take on other dogs or may not be in the same position as when they originally fostered that dog.
If appropriate steps are being taken, we would also be supportive of you rehoming your dog as well.
Although we are a rescue, we are not magic. Things take time, and some dogs are harder to move than others. Please email us at if you have any questions regarding your adopted Dark Horse Dog.
While behavior problems are one of the leading causes pets are surrendered to shelters, these problems can typically be resolved through training and management. South Suburban Humane Society's Behavior Helpline is a FREE consultation service for anyone having problems with their pets. Our goal is to help keep pets where they are happiest- in their homes.
This free service is available to all pet owners that are experiencing behavior problems with their cats and dogs. Our behavior specialists are available to answer questions and provide solutions on everything from separation distress to aggression. To contact our behavior specialists, simply call 312-645-8253 or email
Find your pet a loving home, yourself. Skip the shelters and the overstressed rescues that are full.
Home To Home is an online interactive pet placement platform that helps pet owners find new homes (permanent or temporary) for their pets. Home To Home believes pets that need a new home do best if they can be transitioned directly from their current home to a new, loving home and avoid the stress of a stay in an animal shelter.
ReHomeYourPets was created to encourage and empower people everywhere to ReHome pets responsibly.
Anti-Cruelty developed the Home-to-Home adoption service to assist people who are looking to keep their pets out of the shelter system by re-homing them privately. Through this free service, Anti-Cruelty creates a courtesy listing for these adoptable animals to include on our website and social media profiles.
There are shelters/rescues that specialize in specific ages, breeds, behaviors, and medical conditions.
Chicagoland Rescue Intervention and Support Program (“CRISP”) provides low or no-cost services to help Chicago pet owners keep their pets rather than surrendering them to the city shelter. Keeping pets with owners that loves them not only preserves the human animal bond, but helps our animal control reserve their limited resources for pets that truly need them.
Bridging the gap between the cost of medical care and saving the family pet.
Dark Horse Dogs, NFP
Chicago, Illinois, United States