While we cannot approve every app we receive, we do review each thoroughly. If your app is not a match for a particular dog, we may make another suggestion. Entertain our suggestions! They're for a reason.
These are very basic requirements. It is important to us to not immediately deny applicants without taking everything in to account. Please know, we review every app thoroughly (even if we move fast) and we will do our best to help as many families find a dog that will be a long term match.
Your dog is coming to you completely vetted. This means it has all core vaccinations, is altered (spayed/neutered), microchipped, and heartworm tested. When compared to the actual cost of fully vetting dogs at your regular vet, our adoption fees are not high. Please keep in mind we do pull a lot of medical cases. The veterinary costs often exceed the adoption fee. We are a nonprofit run 100% by volunteers. Your adoption fee is going towards the care of other dogs. That's it! We do this, simply, because we love dogs.
Dark Horse Dogs, NFP does not condone or promote any use of aversive training methods or tools. We do not allow any dogs that are fostered or adopted through Dark Horse Dogs to be subjected to them. This includes trainers that may call themselves “balanced” trainers, the use of choke collars, prong collars and electric (shock) collars. We want to promote and enforce “force free” training. We do not believe dogs can have long term success and trust when using fear or painful methods of training. Let’s train our dogs by teaching them what we want them to do, not punishing what we don’t want them to do.
This document is less rigid than the two-week shutdown but provides a clear look at what you should and should not be doing each day. This provides resources, links, and was created by a trainer we work with, and recommend often.
Patricia Calderone, CPDT-KA, DN-FSG1 Owner, Certified Professional Dog Trainer
The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers® (CCPDT®), established in 2001, is the leading independent certifying organization for the dog training profession. The CCPDT is the leader in the development of rigorous exams to demonstrate mastery of humane, science-based dog training practices. Thousands of dog training professionals worldwide maintain the CCPDT’s certifications as a mark of high professional distinction.
Dark Horse Dogs, NFP
Chicago, Illinois, United States