Whether you want to foster long term, foster to adopt, or vacation foster, we welcome apps! Just tell us as much as you can about your family, home, lifestyle, and we will do our best to make a match.
Pursuant to the Illinois Animal Welfare Act, your signature on this contract officially licenses you as a Dark Horse Dogs foster home. The Illinois Department of Agriculture reserves the right and has the authority to inspect any and all licensed foster homes. By signing here you acknowledge this law and agree to cooperate with any home inspection requested by the IL Department of Agriculture or Dark Horse Dogs.
Picking a dog that fits your home, family, and lifestyle...is important.
Dark Horse Dogs, NFP does not condone or promote any use of aversive training methods or tools. We do not allow any dogs that are fostered or adopted through Dark Horse Dogs to be subjected to them. This includes trainers that may call themselves “balanced” trainers, the use of choke collars, prong collars and electric (shock) collars. We want to promote and enforce “force free” training. We do not believe dogs can have long term success and trust when using fear or painful methods of training. Let’s train our dogs by teaching them what we want them to do, not punishing what we don’t want them to do.
This is an extensive list of force free trainers that have real credentials. Training matters.
Choose wisely.
If you're a current foster, interested in fostering, volunteering, or helping to transport supplies or dogs, we have a closed Facebook page where we make requests. This is where we post for transport help, vacation fostering or anything in between. If you're requesting to join, please note that we do anticipate offers to help. If you're not interested in fostering or volunteering, you don't need to join this page. Those who do not engage will be removed at our discretion.
Legal information regarding your duties and obligations as a foster parent. You too, are responsible for safety. Safety of your foster, your family (humans and animals), the public, and anyone you allow your foster to have interaction with. Whether it be intended or unintended interaction. Be smart, and be safe.
Adoption bio help?
Decompression help?
Ideas for enrichment?
Simple training tips and tricks?
Running low on supplies for your foster? Fill out a request and our team will work on filling it.
Dark Horse Dogs, NFP
Chicago, Illinois, United States